


ValidatorError CodeMessage
INVALID Invalid type given, value should be float, string, or integer,
NOT_ALNUM '%value%' contains characters which are non alphabetic and no digits,
STRING_EMPTY '%value%' is an empty string,
INVALID Invalid type given, value should be a string,
NOT_ALPHA '%value%' contains non alphabetic characters,
STRING_EMPTY '%value%' is an empty string
FAILED '%value%' failed checksum validation,
INVALID_CHARS '%value%' contains invalid characters,
INVALID_LENGTH '%value%' should have a length of %length% characters,
INVALID Invalid type given, value should be string,
NOT_BETWEEN '%value%' is not between '%min%' and '%max%', inclusively,
NOT_BETWEEN_STRICT '%value%' is not strictly between '%min%' and '%max%'
INVALID_VALUE '%value%' is not valid,
INVALID_CALLBACK Failure within the callback, exception returned,
LENGTH '%value%' must contain between 13 and 19 digits,
CHECKSUM Luhn algorithm (mod-10 checksum) failed on '%value%'
CHECKSUM Luhn algorithm (mod-10 checksum) failed on '%value%',
CONTENT '%value%' must contain only digits,
INVALID Invalid type given, value should be a string,
LENGTH '%value%' contains an invalid amount of digits,
PREFIX '%value%' is not from an allowed institute,
SERVICE Validation of '%value%' has been failed by the service,
SERVICEFAILURE The service returned a failure while validating '%value%',
INVALID Invalid type given, value should be string, integer, array or Zend_Date,
INVALID_DATE '%value%' does not appear to be a valid date,
FALSEFORMAT '%value%' does not fit the date format '%format%',
NOT_DIGITS '%value%' contains characters which are not digits; but only digits are allowed,
STRING_EMPTY '%value%' is an empty string,
INVALID Invalid type given, value should be string, integer or float,
INVALID Invalid type given, value should be a string,
INVALID_FORMAT '%value%' is no valid email address in the basic format local-part@hostname,
INVALID_HOSTNAME '%hostname%' is no valid hostname for email address '%value%',
INVALID_MX_RECORD '%hostname%' does not appear to have a valid MX record for the email address '%value%',
INVALID_SEGMENT '%hostname%' is not in a routable network segment. The email address '%value%' should not be resolved from public network.,
DOT_ATOM '%localPart%' can not be matched against dot-atom format,
QUOTED_STRING '%localPart%' can not be matched against quoted-string format,
INVALID_LOCAL_PART '%localPart%' is no valid local part for email address '%value%',
LENGTH_EXCEEDED '%value%' exceeds the allowed length,
INVALID Invalid type given, value should be float, string, or integer,
NOT_FLOAT '%value%' does not appear to be a float,
NOT_GREATER '%value%' is not greater than '%min%',
INVALID Invalid type given, value should be a string,
NOT_HEX '%value%' has not only hexadecimal digit characters,
INVALID Invalid type given, value should be a string,
IP_ADDRESS_NOT_ALLOWED '%value%' appears to be an IP address, but IP addresses are not allowed,
UNKNOWN_TLD '%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but cannot match TLD against known list,
INVALID_DASH '%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but contains a dash in an invalid position,
INVALID_HOSTNAME_SCHEMA '%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but cannot match against hostname schema for TLD '%tld%',
UNDECIPHERABLE_TLD '%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but cannot extract TLD part,
INVALID_HOSTNAME '%value%' does not match the expected structure for a DNS hostname,
INVALID_LOCAL_NAME '%value%' does not appear to be a valid local network name,
LOCAL_NAME_NOT_ALLOWED '%value%' appears to be a local network name but local network names are not allowed,
CANNOT_DECODE_PUNYCODE '%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but the given punycode notation cannot be decoded,
NOTSUPPORTED Unknown country within the IBAN '%value%',
FALSEFORMAT '%value%' has a false IBAN format,
CHECKFAILED '%value%' has failed the IBAN check,
NOT_SAME The token '%token%' does not match the given token '%value%',
MISSING_TOKEN 'No token was provided to match against',
NOT_IN_ARRAY '%value%' was not found in the haystack,
INVALID Invalid type given, value should be string or integer,
NOT_INT '%value%' does not appear to be an integer,
INVALID Invalid type given, value should be a string,
NOT_IP_ADDRESS '%value%' does not appear to be a valid IP address,
INVALID '%value%' is no valid ISBN number,
NOT_LESS '%value%' is not less than '%max%'
IS_EMPTY Value is required and can't be empty,
INVALID Invalid type given, value should be float, string, array, boolean or integer,
INVALID Invalid type given, value should be string or integer,
NO_MATCH '%value%' does not appear to be an postal code,
INVALID Invalid type given, value should be string, integer or float,
NOT_MATCH '%value%' does not match against pattern '%pattern%',
INVALID Invalid type given, value should be a string,
TOO_SHORT '%value%' is less than %min% characters long,
TOO_LONG '%value%' is more than %max% characters long,

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